jasminesky12 - Dream Interpretation and Angel Card Reading

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jasminesky12 - Dream Interpretation and Angel Card Reading in Lokeren

Talk to jasminesky12 - Dream Interpretation and Angel Card Reading in Lokeren on-line. 30- years of experience in Angel Card Reading. I am here for you because I love you, you are a part of me, as we are all connected, we are one human family. Giving spiritual guidance is my purpose in life. Let me help. If you are feeling lost and confused, happy or sad, share it with me. I can help direct you to a more positive path by giving you you Angel messages for life guidance and by teaching you how to grow your own awareness and connect to spirit whenever peace and clarity are needed. I am an energy sender and I pray daily for so many people who are in need of miracles. I can teach you how to alleviate stress through yoga breathing, emotional freedom technique (Tapping), and meditation techniques. I am an expert in dream analysis and can show what your dreams are telling you. I have years of experience on this mystical life path and it is my mission in life to help you find your way through life's challenges through Divine guidance and to give you a glimpse into the beauty that lives within you and teach you to access all you need, to get through this crazy life here on earth. I am here to bring happiness where there is sorrow and bring clarity in confusing times. I was born with the ability to see and hear my Angels and Spirit Guides. They taught me how to meditate and how to connect with God directly for my own guidance and how to help others who are seeking for this connection and needing guidance along the journey through life. I started reading for people professionally in 1979. I have been helping people professionally for more then thirty years, helping others to make a deep inner connection with the Divine and with their own Angels and Guides. I use intuitive abilities to tune into the Divine and your Angels and Guides to access clear guidance and direction. Over the past thirty years I worked professionally doing private consultations and lectures on developing psychic awareness throughout Northern California. I am really looking forward to meeting with you! Namaste!

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